image by Alizan
The How, Why and Where of Horse Use around the World Prior to 1601
Equos toto orbe terrarum
Welcome to a website tailored to studying historic horsemanship in an SCA setting.
Welcome to a website tailored to studying historic horsemanship in an SCA setting.
HALLOWED - To honour as holy, to regard and treat with reverence or awe
HALLOWED - To honour as holy, to regard and treat with reverence or awe
HIPPOLOGY - Skill or expertise in horsemanship; knowledge or study of horses, their breeding, training, etc. (OED.COM)
HIPPOLOGY - Skill or expertise in horsemanship; knowledge or study of horses, their breeding, training, etc. (OED.COM)
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finding something new to do with your horse
integrating horses more accurately into your SCA life
making your horse-related arts, craft or science the best it can be
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