Else Hunrvogt

Horses and Horsemanship are my passions. I started riding at age 5, driving at age 10, riding aside at age 14, researching medieval horsemanship at age 35, and exploring packing at age 44.

I love answering some frequently asked questions regarding horse use prior to 1601, fostering appreciation for the finer details of riding/driving, and exploring period practices compatible with our modern welfare morays.  Horses occupied virtually every social sphere, region, and era in the SCA period. In our modern, urban world, few meet horses regularly. 

If you are not a horse person, pick a topic or two to explore and maybe visit the Horses and Material Goods section to find your favorite Art, Craft or Science. 

If you are horse-crazy, dig in!   Remember  to check out the  Sources section for links to even more resources.

If you have hippology resources that need a home on the web or would like to collarborate on an article, I'd love to hear from you.

Regardless of your place on the horse-obsessed spectrum, I would love to hear from you. If you have questions about horses or horsemanship, email me at else.hunrvogt@westkingdom.org