Images Aside
"Flight into Egypt"


Througout the centuries, the biblical motif of the Flight into Egypt is repeated in art.  Frequently, Mary is depicted carrying the infant Jesus while seated aside on a mule lead by Joseph.

16th Century

1570_El Greco_Fllight into Egypt_c.1570_Prado
1525_Wolfgang Huber _1525-1530_Berlin_Gemaeldegalerie der Staatliche Museen zu Berlin_Page_2
1519_Jan de Beer_Flight into Egypt_1519-1527_Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland
1501_Jean Bourdichon_Hours of Frederic of Aragon_French_Tours_1501-1504_BNF_Latin 10532, fol. 158

15th Century

1485_Bernardino Butinone_1485_Chicago_Art Institute
15th Century Bibliothèque Stanislas Nancy MS 305
1483-1498 BN Latin1370
1480_Roundel wi Flight into Egypt_German_Upper Rhineland_1480-1490_Met_Cloisters Collection
1470_Cosimo Tura_c.1470s_Met
1451_Fra Angelico_1451-1452_Florence_Museo di San Marco
1450_Hans Striger The Elder_c.1450_Zell, Catholic Church of St. Bartholomew
Heures à l'usage de Paris. Datation: vers 1450. Enluminures attribuées au Maître de Dunois. 
1440_Masters of the Delft Grisailles_Book of Hours_Dutch_Delft_c.1440_KB135e23-060v
1435-1480 Latin 1156 A  
1420_Paolo Schiavo_late 1420s-early 1430s_Philadelphia, Museum of Art
1405_Lorenzo Monaco_1405-1410_Altenburg_Lindenau-Museum
1400_Conrad von Soest_c.1400_Paderborn, Episcopal Diocesan Museum and Cathedral Treasury
1400_15th Century_Cypriot_Cyprus_Church of St. Neophytos Monastery

14th Century

1395_Master of the Coronation of the Virgin_Book of Hours fragment_French_Paris_1395-1415_Morgan_m1068.006
Gebr. Van Limburg 1375 – 1416 illuminated manuscript (24 × 17 cm) — 1408-09
1370_One of 27 scenes from life of christ_altarpiece from Monastery of St. Clare, Cologne_c.1370-1380_Cologne_Wallraf-Richartz-Museum
1360 Regensburg, Germany. (Pierpont Morgan Museum and Library, New York). 
BL Yates Thompson 13 f. 95v 1325-1350
Egerton 2781 f. 14 bl 1325-1350
1315_Giotto_Flight_1315-1320_Assisi_San Francesco_Lower Church
1308_Duccio_Flight_1308-1311_Siena, Museo dell'Opera del Duomo
1304_Giotto_Flight_1304-1306_Padua, Arena-Scrovegni Chapel
1300_Central Leaf from a Polyptych w Flight into Egypt_French_14th Century_Met

13th Century

1275_Apochryphal stories of childhood_Liber de ortu b.mariae et infantia salvatoris_Italian_Rome_c.1275-1300_BNF_Latin 2688, fol. 4
1250_Psalter-Book of Hours_Belgian_Liege_c.1250-1300_KB_76g17-032v

12th Century

1196_Anon_It_Apulia+1196-1205_San Vito dei Normanni_San Biagio
1190_Vita Christi_English_York_c.1190_Getty+MS 101, fol. 44v
1187_Bonannus_after 1187_Bronze_Pisa_Santa Maria Assunta
1145_Flight_originally from St.Denis_c.1145_Bryn Athyn, PA_Glencairn Museum
1120_Gislebertus_Flight_1120s_Autun_Cathedral of St. Lazare
1100_Wall Ptg_Swiss_12th Century_Zillis_Church of St. Martin
1100_Ivory_Italian_Salerno_end 11th-beginning 12th Centuries_

8th Century

700_Moone High Cross_8th Century_Moone, Co. Kildare